;monit.a51 ;init sequence to be included in monitor program ;add this to the end of monitor program and call it at init ;settings for serial interface must also be included in ;monitor program if are not already there org 2000H ; change this according to your monitor program ; to be at the end of monitor code block MOV A,#01111110B ; 0-1-1-1-1-1-1-0 ; ENAF-RSAF-CASH1-BEEPER-*-CDAAX-CDATP-CDAIO SETB P1.0 ; MEM&P goes to 1 (for port ) MOV R1,#00H MOVX @R1,A ; send A to port MOV P1,#11111100B ; MEM&P goes to 0 (for RAM) ; put to 1 signals for I2C LJMP 006EH ; change this according to your monitor program ; to return in main program END